
Musical Charts

Factory Top 20 del 10-11-2022

today10 Novembre 2022 30

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    Factory Top 20 del 10-11-2022 mirka.quartarolo

Musical Factory
Musical Factory
Factory Top 20 del 10-11-2022
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Mirka Vi propone e Vi presenta la Nuova Classifica “Factory Top 20”. Siete Voi a determinare le posizioni di classifica, visitando il sito  e quindi ascolteremo nell’ordine:  Marco MengoniNo Stress; The WeekndSacrifice;  EditorsHeart Attack;  ScorpionsRock Believer;  Purple Disco Machine, Sophie and the GiantsIn The Dark;  5 Seconds of SummerYoungblood;  MuseCompliance;  YungbludDon’t Feel Like Feeling Sad Today;  Harry StylesLate Night TalkingImagine DragonsSharks.


Musical Charts

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Musical Factory

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Responsabile: Vanni Capuzzo

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